Today was the first day of our 2022 Big Central Park Year. We met Robert DeCandido, PhD, otherwise known as Birding Bob (, and went birding with him. Bob charges $10 per person, but did not charge Charlie. We went birding for an hour and a half, and saw 12 species of birds listed below, with pictures and information about each bird beneath the list. While birding we also saw an interesting tree that had pictures hanging from the branches of peoples' pets that had passed away over the years. We also saw an old castle named the Belvedere Castle, and planned to visit it another time with the rest of the family. Charlie’s favorite bird of the day was a male Northern Cardinal, and Jason’s favorite bird was a House Sparrow.  

Birds We Saw Today
MallardHooded Merganser
Great Blue HeronCooper's HawkYellow-bellied Sapsucker
Blue JayRuby-crowned KingletGolden-crowned KingletBrown CreeperAmerican Robin
House SparrowNorthern Cardinal


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